Frosty Moss 50k Course Overview
The Frosty Moss 50K follows the Mini Moss Relay Course. It is 30.85 miles and has approximately 1,300 feet in cumulative elevation gain. This is a relatively flat and fast course – click here for the MapMyRun course map
Paved legs follow the Olympic Discovery Trail, a multiuse path for runners, cyclists, walkers, and horseback riders. Relatively flat and fast, though you will encounter some rolling hills. Most of the ODT is separate from traffic, but it does share the shoulder with traffic in a few places. We’ve noted traffic situations in the descriptions below.
50K Runners will need to be dropped off and picked up at the Start/Finish – we do not have a shuttle of any kind.
50k start time: 2:00pm
* Many exchange zones have water, and a few will have snacks, but we cannot guarantee what will be where – so 50K runners will need to be self-sufficient for their hydration and food (a support person would be great! or make friends with a team of similar pace and look hungry – they may adopt you and share their vehicle stash!” NOTE: There is water at the end of Leg 5 at the Dungeness Nature Center and at the end of Leg 6 at the Sequim-Dungeness Chamber of Commerce to refill your vessels.
How hard is this thing? We’ve omitted difficulty ratings because (a) what’s easy for you might be agony for another, and course is pretty darn runner-friendly. Challenges arise with the leg distances, hilly trail legs, and the potential for all sorts of weather in the many microclimates along the way.
Special Notes: 50K Runners can see the Mini Moss Overview page to see the course broken down into different legs and to see where the exchange (water) stations will be. You can also print out the Mini Moss Team Guide that has that information as well.
ROADS ARE OPEN: Traffic rules apply. Runners must use caution at all crossings, along shared roadways, and exchange points.